Once in a while, FreshPure® Waters comes out of the machine looking cloudy or milky. This apparent cloudiness in the water is actually thousands of tiny bubbles!

These micro-bubbles are more persistent than larger bubbles, and they can glint or sparkle when in direct light, giving the impression that they are pieces of a solid. Although it may not occur all the time, cloudiness due to microbubbles is a normal condition.

Reasons for Micro-Bubbles

      1. A filter has just been changed.

When a filter is replaced, air may become trapped. The first several uses of the machine after any of the filters have been changed will be somewhat bubbly. This is oxygenation, a positive feature that causes temporary cloudiness in the water.

      2. There’s air in the municipal water supply.

Microbubbles can appear as a result of air in the city water supply before we filter it. In most locations, we store our water under pressure, which can cause this air to dissolve into the water. It will then remain dissolved until the water is dispensed, when the lower regular air pressure will then allow the bubbles to form. More on the FreshPure® Purification Process can be found here.

      3. Cold Weather

You may also see more bubbles in your water during winter months of cold weather. Gas molecules dissolve more easily into cold water and are released as temperatures rise. So, as municipal water moves from its source through pipes to either your home or our filtration system in a store, it warms up and releases bubbles.

How to Tell:

If you want to make absolutely sure it’s bubbles, fill a clear glass with FreshPure® Waters. Place it on a table and watch- if the cloudiness clears from the bottom up, it means these are bubbles rising to the top.

Please Call Us!

Please don’t hesitate to call us anytime with ANY questions at 800.471.5200.


Here’s a video of water going from cloudy to clear as bubbles rise and dissipate.