Five Reasons to #drinkwater Right Now

It’s no secret that it’s important to drink water. Here are five reasons to stop what you’re doing right now and drink some water!

1. Want healthy, glowing skin?

Some dermatologists say dehydration causes skin to lose it’s natural elasticity. This translates to more wrinkles. So, to keep your skin healthy and looking young, make sure you drink enough water!

Water also flushes out toxins that can cause acne, prevent against cracking, makes your skin look young and fresh, and gives you that healthy, vibrant glow. No matter how well you take care of your skin with cleansers and moisturizers, your skin isn’t as healthy as it could be.

2. Want to improve your metabolism?

Is losing weight one of your New Year’s Resolutions?  Regardless of your dietary and exercise habits, chances are, adding more water will only help you. Proper hydration improves digestion and keeps metabolism strong. And that phrase, “You’re not hungry, you’re thirsty!” is a great rule of thumb. If you drink a nice big glass of water and are still hungry, then you know it’s true hunger, rather than your body’s misunderstood request for water.

3.  Want a clear mind?

You know the story: you feel great all day, and then 2pm rolls around and your mind gets foggy, you can’t stay focused. You may even get a headache. In fact, dehydration headaches are discussed at length in the medical community. They range in severity from a mild, dull ache, to a full blown migraine. “Pain from a dehydration headache can occur at the front, back, side, or all over the head.” (Medical News Today) FreshPure Alkaline Water has minerals (aka: electrolytes!) that help for faster absorption of water, so if you have a dehydration headache, alkaline water with minerals will speed up the hydration process for quick relief.

Moral of the story? Instead of grabbing coffee at 2pm, start with a glass of water!

 4.  Want healthy joints?

Creaking, popping joints are a sign of deep dehydration. In the long run, dryness in your joints can lead to inflammation as they rub against each other creating friction. Inflammation can lead to joint stiffness and pain. Water is helps to prevent this and keeps joints fluid and mobile.

5.  Want detoxified organs?

Let’s face it. The kidneys and liver have a BIG job to do. Along with your sweat glands, they are responsible for ridding your entire body of waste. Speaking of detoxifying the liver, drinking water is one of the best ways to relieve a hangover.

“Rehydrating the body by drinking water may help to improve the symptoms of a hangover.

Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that it increases the amount of urine a person passes. The resulting loss in fluid can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. These factors contribute to a hangover.

Staying hydrated while drinking alcohol could help to prevent or reduce a hangover. People can try drinking a glass of water between alcoholic drinks and just before bed.”

-Medical News Today

We hope this inspires you to stop whatever it is you’re doing, right now, fill up a tall, refreshing glass and drink water!